2023 Boston Whaler 280 Outrage
2023 Boston Whaler 280 Outrage with Twin Mercury 300 V8 White outboard engines with Joystick Piloting
Approximately 90 engine hours
Mercury Factory engine warranty good through 5/19/2026
Notable Options Included:
White hull
Chrome graphics
White hardtop frame
White rubrail with stainless steel insert
Anchor Windlass
Stainless Steel Anchor
Bow table
Bow sunshade
Stern sunshade
Radial outriggers hardtop mounted
Premium package
Deluxe Leaning Post w/ 35 Qt Yeti Cooler
12” S imrad NSX electronics/navigation package
12” S imrad NSX additional display package
Simrad Open Array radar 4KW
VHF Radio (Simrad)
1KW Thru Hull Transducer
Battery Charging System
Windshield Wiper
Underwater Lighting
Please call 954-523-8507 for more details and an appointment.